Movements / Manual Stock Updates

Single Products

  1. In Kooomo, go to Operations > Movements > Create Movements.

  1. Select a warehouse from the Select a warehouse dropdown and then search for the product using its name/id in Product name field.

  1. Enter the quantity you wish to add of your chosen product and click Add.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of screen. Specify the type of movement (In=Add/Out=Remove). Choose a reason and add a unique note so you will be able to search for the movement later.

  1. On the Movements screen (Operations > Movements). Search for the movement using the unique note. Click Action > Apply beside the movement to add the stock to the store.

Multiple Products

  1. Create a file with the following headers in OpenOffice and save as UTF-8/Text with the header row.

  1. Go to Operations > Movements and click Import > Import Movement.

  1. Select the warehouse, add the file, select a movement (In=Add/Out=Remove), Select a reason and add a unique note so you will be able to search for the movement later.

  1. A new page will open up where the movement will need to be applied to confirm the stock has been signed off & counted. Click Apply to add the stock to the store.