Return process

Note: To be able to proceed with a refund the status of the order has to be in DELIVERED.

User side:

Step 1

- The user can request a refund when they login into the website: Go to "My account" and click in “My orders”.

- The user can click "Details" button to proceed with the refund.

- Inside the order, the user can click into “Refund/Exchange” button.

- If the user chooses a refund, a reason why has to be selected.

- Click into the bottom “Proceed with return”,

- The user can now print the return form to put inside the parcel.

Brand side:

Step 1

  • If the user applies for a refund, the status of the order in Kooomo will be: Sent back.

  • To proceed with the refund, you have to go into the tab Operation >>> Return process

  • Find the order you are looking for by inserting the last 6 digits or the entire order code.

Step 2

  • Check inside the order to see if the refund request is correctly settled.

  • If the product sent back is in a "Good condition" that means that the system will put the quantity returned live.

  • Click into Submit to proceed with the refund.

  • You will receive a confirmation message as below:

  • The status of the order will change to: Waiting Refund.