In the Warehouse Tab you will find a few options:
Inventory Rotation: This will bring you to the inventory rotation screen.
Sales History: This will bring you to your sales history screen.
Suggest Reorder: This will bring you to the reorder screen, you can set a condition to the reorder, less than or equal to "x".
Export: You can export the displayed data to a CSV.
Clear Cache: Should you notice some quantities are out of sync, inventory hasn't uploaded yet etc, you can clear the cache to speed up the update.
There are also a number of headers over the items which you can sort by
Categories: Product categories.
Code: Product code.
Name: Product name.
Barcode: Product barcode.
Options: Product options, color, size etc.
pID: Product ID.
phID: Physical ID.
Sell Price: Product sell price.
Buy Price: Product buy price.
Incoming: Total quantity recorded by incoming movements.
Returns: Total quantity recorded by the return process.
Outgoing: Total quantity recorded by outgoing movements.
Sold: Total quantity recorded by sales/orders.
Qty: Current total quantity.
Reserved: Current total reserved quantity.
Asked Notification: Total requested quantity, wish bags, notify me when available options etc.
Location 1 & 2: Pick/Rack bays should you record these in Kooomo.