How to add/edit/delete promotions

Adding a Promotion

  1. In Kooomo, go to Marketing > Promotions and click the Add Promotions tab.

  1. In the Manage Promotions screen, define your promotion settings as desired. Use the Promotion Glossary to read a detailed description of all the options in the Manage Promotions screen. If this is your first time creating a promotion it is recommended to read Creating Your First Promotion - A Step By Step Tutorial.
  2. Ensure Status is set to Inactive. Only set your promotion to Active after it has been thoroughly tested/reviewed.
  3. Click Save

Editing a Promotion

  1. In Kooomo, go to Marketing > Promotions and click the blue pencil icon beside the promotion you wish to edit.

  1. In the Manage Promotions screen, edit your promotion settings as desired. Use the Promotion Glossary to read a detailed description of all the options in the Manage Promotions screen. If this is your first time creating a promotion it is recommended to read Creating Your First Promotion - A Step By Step Tutorial.
  2. Ensure Status is set to Inactive. Only set your promotion to Active after it has been thoroughly tested/reviewed.
  3. Click Save

Deleting a Promotion

  1. In Kooomo, go to Marketing > Promotions and click the red x icon beside the promotion you wish to delete.