Product types - Dataentry files

Standard Product -

No options (Butlers).

Standard Product

Kooomo Variation -

Based on Size/Colour and a third option. Can only be a single description and image will only change with Colour swatch (Blauer/Havaianas).

Kooomo Variation

Container product -

Several products linked together which can change Image/Description/URL based on the selection on the frontend. Fireplace Products.

Container product

Shop the look -

Needs images and descriptions around “the look” and not individual items. Celtic Tweeds.

Shop the look

Standard Product

From Settings > settings > Product Configuration enable “Allow Products without SKU”







Category.csv - Can be done from backend panel



Minimum fields required. Product.csv. One product per line.

Column A - Similar code for all the files.Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column C - Weight of Product

Column D - Weight of Product & Packaging

Column E/F/G - Box dimensions for shipping when Column D is unknown

Column I - Year

Column J - Grouping of Products (Trousers, Shirts, Fireplace,Stove,Protein Powders, Preworkout, Laptop,Notebook)

Column N - Barcode. Top level. Not mandatory

Column O - Price in cents/pence

Column P - Gender. May not be shown on the frontend but needed for Google shopping.

Column S - Brand Name.



Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language. Use 2 digit code

Column C - Title

Column D - Subtitle

Column E - Long Description

Column F - Keywords

Column G/H/I - Description boxes. These can be mapped where required on the frontend.

Column J - SEO Title

Column K - SEO Description



As there is only one product there will only be one SKU per product code. So one line on Product.csv equals one line on SKU.csv

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - SKU. This could be an internal code you use.MPN

Column F - Barcode for the product. This field can also be used for syncing stock if column B does not match what may be in an ERP/Warehouse system



For pricing, you need to create a zone first and assign the name. So UK customers pay in

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - SKU. This could be an internal code you use.MPN

Column F - Barcode for the product. This field can also be used for syncing stock if column B does not match what may be in an ERP/Warehouse system

Kooomo Variation



Minimum fields required. Product.csv. One product per line.

Column A - Similar code for all the files.Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Tariff

Column C - Weight of Product

Column D - Weight of Product & Packaging

Column E/F/G - Box dimensions for shipping when Column D is unknown

Column I - Year

Column J - Grouping of Products (Trousers, Shirts, Fireplace, Stove, Protein Powders, Pre workout, Laptop, Notebook)

Column N - Barcode. Top level. Not mandatory

Column O - Price in cents/pence

Column P - Gender. May not be shown on the frontend but needed for Google shopping.

Column S - Brand Name.


An example of a translation file only using a title. The other fields can be added but not mandatory.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language. Use 2 digit code

Column C - Title

Column D - Subtitle

Column E - Long Description

Column F - Keywords

Column G/H/I - Description boxes. These can be mapped where required on the frontend.

Column J - SEO Title

Column K - SEO Description



You can see the different variations of Colour/Size relating to the Master product Code in Column A.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - SKU. The kooomo Standard for sku is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

4000029 = Product Code, 0001 = Colour Code for Black. 234 = Size Code

Column C - Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code.Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesnt start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column D - Size Code - This wont change the image, could be 32, 43, L,xxxS, 1 Litre, 500 g

Column E - 3rd Option

Column F - Barcode for the product. This field can also be used for syncing stock if column B does not match what may be in an ERP/Warehouse system



Colour file is where we assign a code to a colour, then assigne the colour a frontend value against a product code.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Colour Code. The Kooomo Standard for sku is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

4000029 = Product Code, 0001 = Colour Code for White.

Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code. Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesn't start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column C - Language.

Column D - Colour on the frontend of the website

Column E - Select from a list of 16 colours a close match to column D. This will group colours together for filter selections. So if someone selected a red swatch all those products assigned to red would show.

Container Product



Column A - Similar code for all the files.Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand. -1/-2/-3/-4 added to children products to make it clearer to recognise.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column C - Weight of Product in grams

Column D - Weight of Product & Packaging in grams

Column E/F/G - Box dimensions for shipping when Column D is unknown

Column I - Year

Column J - Grouping of Products (Trousers, Shirts, Fireplace,Stove,Protein Powders, Preworkout, Laptop,Notebook)

Column M - Add 1 to this cell for the container parent Product

Column N - Barcode. Top level. Not mandatory

Column O - Price in cents/pence

Column P - Gender. May not be shown on the frontend but needed for Google shopping.

Column Q - Add children products separated by | (pipe) to parent. Parent product should be added to this cell for all children

Column S - Brand Name.



Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language. Use 2 digit code

Column C - Title. Parent title should be generic which children title SKU specific

Column D - Subtitle

Column E - Long Description - SKU specific description

Column F - Keywords

Column G/H/I - Description boxes. These can be mapped where required on the frontend. SKU specific

Column J - SEO Title

Column K - SEO Description



Only add the child products to the SKU file

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - SKU. The Kooomo Standard for SKU is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

30002-1 = Product Code, sil = Colour Code for Silver. lpg = Option Code for GAS. sin = Third option code for SINGLE.

Column C - Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code. Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesn't start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column D - Size Code - This wont change the image, could be 32, 43, L,xxxS, 1 Litre, 500 g

Column E - 3rd Option

Column F - Barcode for the product. This field can also be used for syncing stock if column B does not match what may be in an ERP/Warehouse system

Column G - Image related to the colour of the SKU.



Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Colour Code. The Kooomo Standard for SKU is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

30002-1 = Product Code, sil = Colour Code for Silver.

Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code. Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesn't start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column C - Language.

Column D - Text displayed on the frontend of the website.

Column E - Select from a list of 16 colours, a close match to column D. This will group colours together for filter selections. So if someone selected a red swatch all those products assigned to red would show.



The translation_03 file applies a navigation filter to the category page for easier segmentation of products. Depending on the setup of the products you can display these filters based on them assigned to the Parent or Children products (if exploded). All values need to be consistent or duplications can arise due to spaces/capitals/acronym.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language.

Column C - The heading for the filter. What is displayed on the frontend.

Column D - Select from Multiple/Percentage and exclusive. Percentage is required where you need the % symbol. Exclusive usually has just one value to select. Multiple can have multiple values assigned.

Column E - Select from a list of 16 colours a close match to column D. What this will do is group colours together for filter selections. So if someone selected a red swatch all those products assigned to red would show.



A hidden category should be added and all the children products (-1,-2,-3) added to this category. The parent product should be added to the required frontend categories. Categories and sub categories are separated by | pipe.

Shop the Look



Column A - Similar code for all the files. Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand. -1/-2/-3/-4 added to children products to make it clearer to recognise.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column C - Weight of Product in grams

Column D - Weight of Product & Packaging in grams

Column E/F/G - Box dimensions for shipping when Column D is unknown

Column I - Year

Column J - Grouping of Products (Trousers, Shirts, Fireplace,Stove,Protein Powders, Preworkout, Laptop,Notebook)

Column M - Add 1 to this cell for the shop the look option.

Column N - Barcode. Top level. Not mandatory

Column O - Price in cents/pence

Column P - Gender. May not be shown on the frontend but needed for Google shopping.

Column Q - Select the “Linked” products and add to this cell separated by | pipe. These products will be displayed along with the Main Product

Column S - Brand Name.



Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language. Use 2 digit code.

Column C - Title. Title should relate to the Shop the Look options.

Column D - Subtitle.

Column E - Long Description - Should include all the details of the “Linked” products.

Column F - Keywords.

Column G/H/I - Description boxes. These can be mapped where required on the frontend. Should cover all the products in “Shop the Look”.

Column J - SEO Title.

Column K - SEO Description.



Add all the variations of products in the “Shop the Look” to the sku.csv file.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - SKU. The Kooomo Standard for SKU is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

MJ1BHG-Con = Product Code, GRY = Colour Code for Grey. 36 = Option Code for jacket size. L = Third option code for Long (Sleeve Length)

Column C - Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code.Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesnt start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column D - Size Code - This wont change the image, could be 32, 43, L,xxxS, 1 Litre, 500 g

Column E - 3rd Option

Column F - Barcode for the product. This field can also be used for syncing stock if column B does not match what may be in an ERP/Warehouse system

Column G - Image related to the colour of the SKU.



Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Colour Code. The Kooomo Standard for SKU is ProductCode_ColourCode_SizeCode_ThirdOption.

30002-1 = Product Code, sil = Colour Code for Silver.

Colour Code. Each colour should have its own code.Number or letters. This must be 3 digits long and preferably doesnt start with a 0 as 0001 can show as 1 in a cell when saving a csv.

Ie. White could be 0001 or wht. Off White could be 1001 or Owht

Column C - Language.

Column D - Text displayed on the frontend of the website.

Column E - Select from a list of 16 colours a close match to column D. This will group colours together for filter selections. So if someone selected a red swatch all those products assigned to red would show.



The translation_03 file applies a navigation filter to the category page for easier segmentation of products. Depending on the setup of the products you can display these filters based on them assigned to the Parent or Children products (if exploded). All values need to be consistent or duplications can arise due to spaces/capitals/acronym.

Column A - Product Code. Could be similar to the style ID or something made up for the Brand.

BNT100 = BrandNameTrousers100

Column B - Language.

Column C - The heading for the filter. What is displayed on the frontend.

Column D - Select from Multiple/Percentage and exclusive. Percentage is required where you need the % symbol. Exclusive usually has just one value to select. Multiple can have multiple values assigned.

Column E - Select from a list of 16 colours a close match to column D. This will group colours together for filter selections. So if someone selected a red swatch all those products assigned to red would show.